With the Republican race down to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich, things have gotten extremely heated as state after state tallied votes in order to pick the party’s presidential nominee. The latest such battleground was Wisconsin, which held it’s primary election last Tuesday.
Although Trump has led the GOP race for the past year, Cruz has managed to pose a formidable challenge to the real estate tycoon, nabbing primaries by the narrowest of margins and keeping the Donald from fully capitalizing on his momentum. On Tuesday, however, the Texas senator dealt what is possibly the heaviest blow to Trump’s campaign so far.
Easily winning the state, Cruz has now made it nearly impossible for Trump to get enough delegates to get the party’s nomination. Needless to say, certain parties are likely pleased about this turn of events.
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TRUMP TRAIN is on the move. We will not let the BIASED MEDIA, GOP Establishment,
RNC, Super pac , Special interest, etc., who are trying to SABOTAGE DONALD TRUMP STEAL THIS ELECTION. Trump will get the 1237 delegates on June 7 before the open convention in July 2016. Trump has my vote. I am a proud veteran. American people have awakened! Trump is favor to all these states-
April 19 NY, 95 delegates, proportional;
April 26 Connecticut , 28 delegates, proportional; Delaware 16 delegates, winner take all; Maryland 38 delegates, winner take all; Pennsylvania 71 delegates, winner take all; Rhode Island 19 delegates, proportional;
May 3 Indiana 52 delegates, winner take all;
May 10 Nebraska 36 delegate, West Virginia 37 delegates, May 17 Oregon 28 delegates, proportional;
May 29 Washington 49 delegates, proportional;
June 7 California 172 delegates, proportional; Montana 22 delegates, winner take all, New Jersey 51 delegates, winner take all; New Mexico 29 delegates, proportional; South Dakota 29 delegates, winner take all .
Been saying this all along. Obama started preparing with executive orders in 2015 with the FBI training for this. Martial law. He wants to stay in and us to join one world order. Disarmed by any and all means.
Obama has been working on this for years. He wants civil unrest to call martial law, stay in office, unarm us and join the one world order we see going on in Europe with the UN
That’s what Obama wants. To call martial law
Trump for President
Civil war would mean Obama won. He wants this more than anything! To call martial law. Disarm us and force us into the one world order he loves
That’s what they want. Obama want to call martial law, stay in office and here we go….. One world order no more American way
Don’t get me wrong, I think Obama would have to be arrested first or he will pull that martial law c**p. However, he is doing worse and worse things every day, so at some point he will have to be arrested, I believe. Like right now, he is having the Bureau of Land Management sell our Western grazing and to Saudi Arabia, claiming that they need to grow alfalfa. This land does not belong to the Feds, it belong to the States. He is parting out America, like parting out a rusty old car. So don’t know what is going to happen with that. I’m hoping that we can keep his damage under control until the next election. May God help us all.
Obama is selling Western Grazing land to Saudi Arabia See google for details.
Go Trump! I am praying you will win for America!