With the Republican race down to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich, things have gotten extremely heated as state after state tallied votes in order to pick the party’s presidential nominee. The latest such battleground was Wisconsin, which held it’s primary election last Tuesday.
Although Trump has led the GOP race for the past year, Cruz has managed to pose a formidable challenge to the real estate tycoon, nabbing primaries by the narrowest of margins and keeping the Donald from fully capitalizing on his momentum. On Tuesday, however, the Texas senator dealt what is possibly the heaviest blow to Trump’s campaign so far.
Easily winning the state, Cruz has now made it nearly impossible for Trump to get enough delegates to get the party’s nomination. Needless to say, certain parties are likely pleased about this turn of events.
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Trump is not the presidential runner it will be the end of America.
they better think twice about cheating trump. things could get nasty
Nice try try again start telling the truth
He will make it. Trump 2016
True, when are we going to wake up and stop this c**p?
GOP if you all do not know what a fire storm is look it up because you all are pushing for that to happen.
This is total BS. Trump will win this !!
More propaganda BS , by the media and Cruz backers the RNC and Soros , anything to slow down the people and the TRUMP train………GO TRUMP —-2016..