Donald Trump is shining a light on Clinton corruption and pay-for-play schemes that should have been done by the media long ago. The Clintons are greedy, money-hungry bandits who are interested in only two things… power and wealth. They will sell the country out in a second if it provides them with wealth beyond the $230 million they have collected since Bill was president. And the press is willing to cover for them, even when they they peddle the United States to the highest foreign bidder. As Donald Trump just pointed out, that bidder was China.
Read more about how Hillary changed China policy right after Bill took in a cool half mil for a speech, page 2:
Save it ho,your husband doesn’t wAN’T NOTHING TO WITH YOU.,
Liberals are brain dead they prove it everytime they speak! Destroying America! Worthless! # neverthebitch ! uneducated on firearms!
They are worst than the Mafia!!!!
Why would any one pay high amounts to hear these two liars ?? One thing someone in government has ties that they want.
These are treasonous, corrupt bastard from hell. They should have to answer for their crimes.
I hope Trump exposes everything he has on Hillary.
The CLINTONS are the most corrupt family on the planet!! Do not let them back into the White House to steal this country from us!!!!!
She is UNFIT to be President
Sprung imbeciles.
only corruption keeps her out of prison ! why are we allowing her to even run??