Donald Trump’s recent comments regarding transgender individuals’ bathroom rights surprised many this week. The surprise stems from the fact that his stance — that people should be able to use whichever restroom that they please — is in opposition to many of his core, conservative supporters.
Amid reports that Trump would be toning it down, using a teleprompter, and moving to the center, many took his statements as proof that his traditionalization of Trump was, in fact, well underway.
The truth is — he’s never been particularly conservative on LGBT rights at all. The media’s fascination with Trump’s far-right policies on the border, military, and economy has painted the real estate mogul as a politician on the far-fringes of the Republican Party. In reality, he’s far more centric than many have been led to believe.
Trump’s rigid stance on LGBT rights can be proven by looking through the donations he’s made as a private citizen. A new report from Breitbart shows that Trump’s foundaton made a sizable contribution to an organization formed in order to promote LGBT rights to school-aged children.
Does this apparent conflict between him and his core supporters hurt his chances to win in November, or does it help him create a broader coalition that will send him to the White House?
Continue reading on the next page to decide for yourself:
i truly think now, he could be a good change for USA..
who cares, go donald!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moral social issues should be handled by the state because not ever state is the same, the president is an international tradesmith and his job is to make sure other countries dont$#%&!@*with us, yes he passes bills and laws but regardless who beces president the mess is to great already it will tale 50 years to repair it anyways, whats good for the people isnt always good for the country, we have a saying where i come from its better to sacrifice a little than to give up alot, i may not agree with your view or what you say but ill defend to the death your right to say it!
Sharon Leigh Keymon-Holsapple Maybe Hillary the crook will win and our Country will be worst than it is with Obama the Muslim who is destroying our Country and is screwing up our Military which I served proudly. I just can’t take her and her Pervert husband Bill. Hillary still stayed with him and that was for one reason only so she can get back into the White House
How could he say no womens bathroom to the woman of the year. He didn’t mean nation wide I don’t think
Bullcrap propergander. When ever day comes before people vote they start their lies like clock work.
Susan do you know Trump personally. Thought not. How s children prove who he is. A great business man and father.
Trump has been a Republican Conservative since 1988. Look it up.
Lol. Trump is Great…
What difference does it make? he’s not the only one I’m sure