Donald Trump’s recent comments regarding transgender individuals’ bathroom rights surprised many this week. The surprise stems from the fact that his stance — that people should be able to use whichever restroom that they please — is in opposition to many of his core, conservative supporters.
Amid reports that Trump would be toning it down, using a teleprompter, and moving to the center, many took his statements as proof that his traditionalization of Trump was, in fact, well underway.
The truth is — he’s never been particularly conservative on LGBT rights at all. The media’s fascination with Trump’s far-right policies on the border, military, and economy has painted the real estate mogul as a politician on the far-fringes of the Republican Party. In reality, he’s far more centric than many have been led to believe.
Trump’s rigid stance on LGBT rights can be proven by looking through the donations he’s made as a private citizen. A new report from Breitbart shows that Trump’s foundaton made a sizable contribution to an organization formed in order to promote LGBT rights to school-aged children.
Does this apparent conflict between him and his core supporters hurt his chances to win in November, or does it help him create a broader coalition that will send him to the White House?
Continue reading on the next page to decide for yourself:
Now what kind of dirt can this possibly be. How would you like for your child in elementary school be told that what God created them to be can be changed in their heads to be anything they can want to be. Sound absurd? Being lenient with any of this just spreads the leniency. There has to be boundaries for our children. As a college in California has proven, we are not born with these tendencies they are mentally developed. Why not take little children and transform them? This is not dirt when you support these programs.
Nearly a decade ago Donald J. Trump promised to make Scotland great again. Now, Trump is widely vilified in Scotland and his former loyalists have a warning for America.
So what? No big deal.
Is Cruz who you think he is? His actions don’t look too great!!!!
Big fucking deal, move on.
I believe trump is the most liberal republican, I know of.
What actions Cheryl Hasty?
agrees with men peeing in the ladies room and now this…I’m thinking liberal.
What you all going to do if trump doesn’t get the presidency or if he does and doesn’t do anything that you think will make America back on track?
Come on this is just pure c**p