Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has been a roller coast ride to say the least. But whether you support the man or not, he does bring up many valid points in his various interviews, and it’s hard to listen to him talk and say that he’s not fighting for the American people.
In a recent interview with Breitbart News, Trump addresses the number of Americans who have been replaced by foreign workers and the insult provided by companies like Disney, who make their employees train their replacements before being axed.
See what Trump had to say on the next page.
That’s awesome!
You guys ever heard about lying by telling the truth?
It’s kind where you accuse the other guy of doing what you are actually doing.
Let’s say you are in complete opposition to someone… For example climate change…
…And the Koch Brothers.
The Koch Brothers are the largest polluters on the planet and pretty much the guys providing a 3rd of the Republican Parties TAX-DEDUCTIBLE campaign war-chest. The Koch Brothers also happen to be the largest contributors on the planet to “anti-climate change scientists” and about 85% of their income comes from coal and oil (stock stuff too, but for the sake of this rant “coal and oil).
What they do is they take the actions they are doing…Say for example “funding climate research in the way the tobacco companies used to do it” And they tell you it is THE OTHER GUYS that are actually doing it… Now, they KNOW they are full of c**p and their research is pretty easy to debunk.
But they don’t care if other scientists debunk it (the other 93% of scientists) because you are not a scientist… You are the guy that VOTES and you are very easy to distract and lead around by the nose.
6 International Corporations own 85% of the ENTIRE PLANET’S MEDIA. The second largest share holder of Warner Media (News Corp, Fox News) is a Prince from Saudi Arabia (Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal … Look it up)
Let me explain how easy it is to manipulate you…
How old was the child that made your sneakers, your TV, your PURSE? You know the answer…Now the question you have to ask yourself is… “Do you REALLY care”.
Are you really going to tell me “Citizens United is a good Idea”?
Your last election cost 6.2 billion TAX-DEDUCTIBLE dollars, how much is the net worth of your neighborhood? You think your neighbor is ever going to get 40 million so he can run for president?
The Patriot Act…
We Americans literally forced the guys that make your phones, computers, and gaming counsels to provide hardware that gives them back-door access to your electronic devices because they said we are fighting terrorists.
Now I am not belittling 9-11…
If you believe that is what I am doing you are kind of an idiot… But I will say one thing… Including 9-11, IN AMERICA, you have a better chance at dying in your bath-tub, killed with your own gun, or being shot by a cop, than you do via a terrorist. (Our government and soldiers are doing a good job tinker-bell)
So to sum this up…
Aww forget it… If you don’t understand by now you probably never will.
If you werent so busy being brain washed you would know the 93%, 97%, of scientists believe global warming/climate change is real is complete and utter bull pockey and has been debunked 6 ways to sunday.
If you look at thousandsnof years worth of tree rings,millions of years worth of geologic strata, tens of thousands of years woth of ice cores, etc… you would know “climate change” has been around longer then recorded history and the “climatologists” 200y worth of data falls nicely within the patterns well established by mother natures own recording tools for climate.
Next time you want to talk to someone about climate change maybe you should start with the nice young men in their clean white coats because they’re coming to take you away (ha ha ho ho he he)…
JUST OUT OF CURIOSITY… Where do you think Smog goes?
So Charles Echols, is your Hillery a morally superior candidate, with her wealth redistribution of other peoples money? And how did she get so wealthy from government employment? You libtards always complain about rich people, while reaching your greedy paws into someone else’s pockets and making yourselves rich. The democrat party has accomplished absolutely zero in reducing the poverty level in this country in the 7 years prior, yet you still claim your the party of the people.
I won’t be going to Disney anymore! Jihad Jim and Janes are working for them! F–k them! Fire Americans, find customers outside the USA!!!
One way Bill got rich
Big reason
Extortion and blackmail