Trump, in his appealingly Trump fashion of not mincing words, said that he would be willing to close some mosques to fight against the Islamic State. He made these statements on Fox Business with Stuart Varney, who had asked if Trump was President, would he follow the lead of Britain and revoke the passports of some people as well as close some mosques.
Watch the video on page two.
guys, guys, guys,…lets be honest, all religon sucks.
A cult- a man who tells you how to dress, what people you can talk to, marrying little kids, killing people, its a cult.
Typical of Trump! He opens his mouth when he should zip it shut!
Burn them down!
No considering closing them ,they have to be closed!
Great send them back to the middle east
Should burn them down.
donald Trump for president ,,He can get the job done…Vote for