Donald Trump’s conservatism has been a major issue for his entire campaign. Is he a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative?
Many have relied on political pundits to help them answer that question, but given their total inability to predict and frame this year’s primary election, combined with their obvious disdain for Donald Trump, it’s likely a better idea to decide for yourself.
To help you make that determination, Breitbart has compiled a detailed list of Trump’s stances on major issues important to the conservative voter. It ranges from abortion, to same sex marriage, to immigration. It introduces the topic, says what Trump believes, and moves on. That’s all it is, nothing more, and nothing less, and it’s very informative.
With it, you can answer the question “Is Trump conservative?” with no media bias, no spin, and no outside influence.
Check it out on the next page:
Just remember Denise, you must be registered Republican in many states to be able to vote in the primaries if you’re voting for Donald Trump. California is one of them. Check your voting laws. I changed from independent to republican to vote for him.
Wayne Gary ; if you’re planning on voting in the primaries check your voting laws in your state. Many states have closed primaries and you must be registered Republican if you’re going to vote for Donald Trump or any other candidate.
I don’t want him to be either lables, but to be himself and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Is obummer an American?
The main thing that counts with Trump is he wants to honor and want to uphold the constitution of the United States of America to where The Democratic Party does not have a single candidate who supports the constitution so anyone voting for a democrat is voting to destroy the constitution and the United States of America
#Trump all the way to the White House!! A rose is a rose is a rose!!! Why does everyone need a label??
There is only one real conservative running: Rand Paul.
What have the conservatives in Washington done for us? Absolutely nothing. That bunch of wimps talk big and do nothing. We need a man of action, a man who gets things done. Conservative sounds great but with no action it’s useless. Checkout the spending bill Ryan just passed. It pays for Obama Care, Planned Parenthood and a multitude of other things they swore they would repeal. My advise is Vote For Trump and get something done.
I’m sick of these lying politicians!! Vote in a BUSINESSMAN FOR A CHANGE !!! At least TRUMP LOVES AMERICA!!!!!!