Donald Trump’s conservatism has been a major issue for his entire campaign. Is he a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative?
Many have relied on political pundits to help them answer that question, but given their total inability to predict and frame this year’s primary election, combined with their obvious disdain for Donald Trump, it’s likely a better idea to decide for yourself.
To help you make that determination, Breitbart has compiled a detailed list of Trump’s stances on major issues important to the conservative voter. It ranges from abortion, to same sex marriage, to immigration. It introduces the topic, says what Trump believes, and moves on. That’s all it is, nothing more, and nothing less, and it’s very informative.
With it, you can answer the question “Is Trump conservative?” with no media bias, no spin, and no outside influence.
Check it out on the next page:
Are Republicans conservative after they funded and facilitated Obama’s attacks on the country?
Trump is the establishment..
Its beyond me how so many Americans can just so easily eat up what this phony is doing…
He’s doing exactly and I mean exactly what Obama did but only this time as a blond man…
He’s only saying what he knows people want to hear and will get them clapping.. His record of being an adamant Clinton supporter stands for itself…
But again I’m sure the media and the american public will sweep it under the rug until after he is elected (which I’m calling it right now there is no doubt what so ever he has been prechosen to become the next POTUS…
I was never fooled by president hussein and I won’t be for this next president trump…
I would personally would have like to see either #BenCarson or #TedCruz
No one who cares is for abortion and eminent domain to kill children and legally steal property aren’t caring.
dont care what he is,as long as he is POTUS.
Is Obama a democrat? Obama lies 1000 times to Americans and still in office. He is a Marxists communists socialists just like Hillary. They are not JFK democrats. Same with Sanders, so why are they allowed on a Democratic ticket platform in STATES???????
Since Trump doesn’t do anything without making a profit for himself, think what he can do to you with his strong stand for eminent domain. He is no saint doing this for free, he has a plan.
Doesn’t really matter does it….maybe it’s time to step outside the two-party box
We thought we were voting in republicans in the last election and all we got was Democrat’s. So what is a Republican now days????
How can his strong support for eminent domain help any American other than to recoup his expenses at our expense.
It doesn’t fucking matter what he is. Jeeze people get your heads out of the fucking sand and quit letting your own political b******t egos and pride$#%&!@*you in the asses. We are on the verge of losing our country completely and people are following blindly even though these politicians are throwing the evidence of their agendas in the open. This is the oh couldn’t possibly b happen not in America syndrome. Well its happening and yes we will go to war here before it’s over. We have too many supporters and muslim sympathizers that are so brainwashed into thinking this good. So yeah I’m voting for Trump he is brash, he loud, he offensive, he pulls out all of the b******t and lays it on the table for you all to see. And could careless what you think. The thing is that’s how he is going to treat any and all who try to bully America again. And if you haven’t noticed that bullying has become a big problem again. Why because our government condones it by allowing the muslims and black lives matters and all those other organizations to bully us if we don’t agree or are different.