Donald Trump’s conservatism has been a major issue for his entire campaign. Is he a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative?
Many have relied on political pundits to help them answer that question, but given their total inability to predict and frame this year’s primary election, combined with their obvious disdain for Donald Trump, it’s likely a better idea to decide for yourself.
To help you make that determination, Breitbart has compiled a detailed list of Trump’s stances on major issues important to the conservative voter. It ranges from abortion, to same sex marriage, to immigration. It introduces the topic, says what Trump believes, and moves on. That’s all it is, nothing more, and nothing less, and it’s very informative.
With it, you can answer the question “Is Trump conservative?” with no media bias, no spin, and no outside influence.
Check it out on the next page:
Independent all the way! Running with the Savage Nation
The statement about making America great again takes on a whole new meaning when you know he is for eminent domain, is a bully, and never does anything unless there’s something in it for him. Great way to recoup his expenses
We really dont care as long as he fixes America
I think you need to read the article again. If nothing else it shows he’s a flipper on anything. Knowing he’s for eminent domain and a bully and never does anything unless there’s something to gain is enough to fear his plans for “making America great” by his standards
I reality really didn’t need your paid news media website now did I?
No Healthy BRAIN.
#TrumpIsAFake #DumpTrump #TrumpIsADictator #TrumpIsArrogant #TrumpIsPetty #VoteTedCruz #TedCruzForPresident #CruzForPresident #Cruz2016 #CruzToVictory #CruzToTheWhiteHouse
The trump haters sure are getting desperate
The only true candidate is Cruz who defends the constitution. Trump believes in eminent domain and never does anything without a plan for profit for himself. Is his real mission statement”taking America, ain’t that great!”
He’s an ignorant POS!!! If you have more than half a brain you won’t vote for this guy.