Donald Trump’s conservatism has been a major issue for his entire campaign. Is he a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative?
Many have relied on political pundits to help them answer that question, but given their total inability to predict and frame this year’s primary election, combined with their obvious disdain for Donald Trump, it’s likely a better idea to decide for yourself.
To help you make that determination, Breitbart has compiled a detailed list of Trump’s stances on major issues important to the conservative voter. It ranges from abortion, to same sex marriage, to immigration. It introduces the topic, says what Trump believes, and moves on. That’s all it is, nothing more, and nothing less, and it’s very informative.
With it, you can answer the question “Is Trump conservative?” with no media bias, no spin, and no outside influence.
Check it out on the next page:
There is a lot of discussion about labels. I think they are a waste of time. The questions to be answered are what are they saying they will do and do you believe that a candidate will follow through on what he/she said.
I sure hope someone steps up and follows through because we have lived the lies from both parties over the last seven years.
BUT, With all said above, since I am entitled to my opinion, as you are…I prefer to cast my vote for a non-establishment,Washington outsider…Trump 2016.
Trump is neither Clinton nor Sanders and he believes in the enforcement of our laws and that’s all he needs to be to win my vote.
– Trump 2016!!
Is that so important to know whether Trump is a conservative? You have kept your eyes off the ball here. Our country is in rapid decline because of corruption and cronyism in Washington. By far, Donald Trump is the best man for reversing the train rack.
Call him what U want, I am voting for Trump!
The fire is on your$#%&!@*here and you dump$#%&!@*out there still asking is this a real beef? You are dump like bat and no wonder the liberals think you are stupid and mindless.LOL
Who CARES what TRUMP is, he is the peoples choice.
I would rather take a chance on him than the bought and paid for politicians
At this point,I don’t care ,I just want one who will make American great again. I think trump will do that .