Donald Trump’s conservatism has been a major issue for his entire campaign. Is he a conservative? What does it mean to be conservative?
Many have relied on political pundits to help them answer that question, but given their total inability to predict and frame this year’s primary election, combined with their obvious disdain for Donald Trump, it’s likely a better idea to decide for yourself.
To help you make that determination, Breitbart has compiled a detailed list of Trump’s stances on major issues important to the conservative voter. It ranges from abortion, to same sex marriage, to immigration. It introduces the topic, says what Trump believes, and moves on. That’s all it is, nothing more, and nothing less, and it’s very informative.
With it, you can answer the question “Is Trump conservative?” with no media bias, no spin, and no outside influence.
Check it out on the next page:
I think that he has the best qualities of both parties
He is by far the best candidate for America
He can be green from Mars – he was the first to speak about issues when most will not admit there is a problem.
*identify problem/issue
*propose solution
*act on solution
You have to do the first before 2 & 3.
I don’t care what he is – just do what you say you will do and do what is best for the country and get us out of this mess we are in.
Trump is what America needs
Deborah Webb, you are not being fair or loyal.. There was two Senators who fought against the establishment and they fought hard without any support from the other, 98 Senators.. That was: Cruz and Lee.. I am not saying that we don’t owe, Mr. Trump, we surely do but we need to give Curz credit for th guts he has shown. His positon on Abortion, and Ethanol more conservative than Trumps too.
His stand on the issues says yes
So was I. I voted straight Dem in 1972 and 1976. By 1980 I had realized that Democrat politicians are enemies of the USA. I have never voted for a Dem since. If I abhor the Republican on the ticket too much to hold my nose when voting, I either vote for a third party candidate or leave that space blank
He’s a Godless Man doing the Greatest sell Job of his life when he fact he doesn’t know a thing about being in an elected office…its all Sizzle…Read his book, the beauty of Trump supports there is no point in debating with them…you can’t tell them anything because they’re angry and frustrated and think this jerk is the answer…a Trump supported won’t even read his book to see how they’re being sold…Stupid is as Stupid does
David Klepfer; don’t think that will change anytime soon. Can’t stand either party. You can’t tell the difference between the two of them anymore.