Chaos ensued in California, as thousand of protestors amassed, to violently decry Trumps arrival for the GOP Convention, in Burlingame. On the heels of the turmoil in Orange County, CA, the night prior, where demonstrators vandalized a Costa Mesa police car, jumping on it and breaking out the windows while attempting to flip it over, Burlingame officers were ready for more of the same.
Just before one o’clock, Jim Brulte, Chairman of the California Republican Party, assured the guests waiting for Donald Trump’s arrival, that he was running late due to the considerable group of protesters trying to block his motorcade.
Alex Swoyer, of Breitbart, tweeted, “Apparently it’s wild outside, police in riot gear. Peaceful inside, ppl dining & chatting.” She reported that the luncheon was sold out, with roughly 600 people waiting for Trump, who was an hour late.
Outside, however, was another situation altogether, with Trump having to sneak in by jumping a barrier and coming in through a back door. He joked with the waiting guests, “I felt like I was crossing the border to get here.” View the rage of the protesters on the next page.
And who is funding these illegal assholes
Where are the California bikers ?
Marissa Maldonado You will be lucky once they ” die off ” that you’ll still have a country left to take over hopefully Islam has not invaded and forced their Muslim beliefs , hopefully you survive it if not oh well don’t say we didn’t try and tell you !! YOU ARE OBLIVIOUS !!!!! Think it can’t happen thimk again it has already started in motion ( you idiot ).
Lisa Vazquez, you are an ignorant racist
Yeah, do your homework before talk smack
Marissa Maldonado, is young, inexperienced, naive, gullible, dumb and probably a Sanders supporter.
As well as, uneducated
Go get educated on the issues before you talk smack
Ignorant little girl if you understood the issues you would be upset too
Go Read the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, Go take a World history class
Make Mexico America again!
of course thereis they are eligalls what else if i were president i would send them all back and we could put millions of our tax dollars back where it came from in the first place
Just send them back to were they came from . Just close our boarders let them take over there land and not to think that the United States is there play ground