Chaos ensued in California, as thousand of protestors amassed, to violently decry Trumps arrival for the GOP Convention, in Burlingame. On the heels of the turmoil in Orange County, CA, the night prior, where demonstrators vandalized a Costa Mesa police car, jumping on it and breaking out the windows while attempting to flip it over, Burlingame officers were ready for more of the same.
Just before one o’clock, Jim Brulte, Chairman of the California Republican Party, assured the guests waiting for Donald Trump’s arrival, that he was running late due to the considerable group of protesters trying to block his motorcade.
Alex Swoyer, of Breitbart, tweeted, “Apparently it’s wild outside, police in riot gear. Peaceful inside, ppl dining & chatting.” She reported that the luncheon was sold out, with roughly 600 people waiting for Trump, who was an hour late.
Outside, however, was another situation altogether, with Trump having to sneak in by jumping a barrier and coming in through a back door. He joked with the waiting guests, “I felt like I was crossing the border to get here.” View the rage of the protesters on the next page.
Lisa Vazquez you’re a stupid$#%&!@* You don’t even understand what the illegal stands for you must be one dumbass! Stupid fuckers need your head smashed in! Get out of our country$#%&!@*
Need to smash all their damn heads in!
Remember the Alamo!
Want to stop a sucker punch??? 2 Center mass body shots then one right between the eyes !!!
All La Raza supporter need to be shipped to the Southern Border of Mexico and left to live their dream.
Marissa Maldonado God help you all then you stupid stupid ignorant person
Activists both from Mexican coalition and Leftist organizations are doing the protesting. First of all the Mexicans if illegal have no say in the matter of our elections, secondly to wave that mexican flag on our territory is a hostile act on their part given the circumstances and lastly IF they are Americans and are waving the mexican flag they are no americans
You with the sign, tell your parents to go back where they came from. The cesspool is missing some of its garbage.
They can get their exercise, get a sunburn and look foolish, but it will have ZERO effect when TRUE AMERICANS go to the polls to vote. Poor ole democrats spent all of that money paying the protesters, and what will it get them ?? ZERO . Actually kinda funny when you think about it. They are SO stupid..the whole bunch