Using Hillary Clinton’s own track record against her, Donald Trump has delivered his most potent attack against the Democratic frontrunner.
Americans are so used to the mainstream media glossing over Hillary’s past indiscretions that it’s almost impossible to sort through even a fraction of them without being sent into a towering rage. But this impressive feat is exactly what Trump did last Friday, listing 50 facts about the former Secretary of State at a speech and on his campaign’s site later.
From deleting 30,000 of her private emails to lying about dodging sniper fire in Bosnia, Trump pulled no punches in his list of Clinton misdeeds. Contrary to the notion that Trump lacks substantive policy positions and proposals, the GOP candidate made clear to highlight policies that Hillary advocated for to the detriment of the nation, hitting her especially hard on trade and foreign policy.
While 50 may seem too low a number for unpleasant facts about Clinton, it’s definitely a good start that the self-proclaimed media “watchdogs” could learn from.
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Can he publish 50 details he has to supposedly “Make America Great Again” ?
by God America is a 10, so its now or never if we dont vote for the Hero we will get the…. Zero …plus Bill….! , and she will bring in the…” SS” …that would be ” Soros Surrogets” under the guise of UN peace keeping forces boots on the ground on american soil……they maybe going for all the marbles.! ready for anything and please VOTE TRUMP its the only way to stem off whats in the air..!… so now we are MULUH OBOZOS chicken$#%&!@*nation….we are poised the enter the realm of the 4th world utterly pitiful that our congress allowed this to come to fruition…..the dems are desperate Dbags at this point they will light it on fire if they cant keep it..just watch…be ready stay vigilant. Trump 2016..time to get mean!
He put out an itinerary list of everything that he wants to accomplish within his first year of running…look it up
elect trump
probably lost in that liberal herd of sheeple…lol
Give ‘er Hell boys!
I didn’t know Hillary has 50 accomplishments!
Only 50? She had more than that killed