Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, has exposed a conflict of interest that FOX news has been hiding. This conflict undermines FOX’s ability to provide fair and impartial mediation for all GOP debates.
Lewandowski revealed that FOX News Vice President Bill Sammon has a daughter working for Republican Presidential candidate Marco Rubio. Brooke Sammon works as Marco Rubio’s national press secretary. Her father’s position with one of the leading mainstream news networks would grant her, and thus Marco Rubio, with the kind of access that would be uncommon for the rest of the candidates.
This revelation is being downplayed by both FOX News and the Rubio campaign, but the conflict of interest is undeniably present. Even if Brooke’s access has not been exploited by the Rubio campaign, which is difficult to believe, the threat to a fair and public vetting process is real and should be quashed.
Read more on page 2.
I WANT A WALL. not for my friendly neighbors to the south…but one for the muzz.
Really that what you think boy you been drinking the liberal koolaid
I have to unfollow you now. I am tired of having to go two pages deep to get the story. Maybe hit me back up when you use a web host that doesn’t split stories up so bad, that you have to see three pop ups and takes you to multiple pages to read a story, The stories are good, but your platform sucks.
A recent poll stated 20% of Democrats will cross party line and vote Republican because they could NOT vote for Hillary!
Well that makes sense on why they are saying Rubio had the best plan on defeating ISIS. I didn’t hear everyone’s plan so how is that possible FOX news?
Distracting from the real issues cuz he can’t come up with any clear answers. He talks alot but never seems to say much.
We knew that already!
WOW . fair and balanced my fukin$#%&!@*
Fox are pawns so what do you ecpect