Donald Trump is clearly in no mood to be lied to this week.
Earlier this week, Trump fired James Comey after the FBI Director gave testimony about the Clinton investigation that many considered false or misleading.
The statement in question involved how — and how many — classified emails ended up on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Comey claimed that thousands were “forwarded” from Huma Abedin. But the number may have been smaller, and the emails may have been backed-up, not directly forwarded to her husband’s computer.
Despite months of bipartisan calls to sack Comey, Trump’s decision proved incredibly controversial. Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal quickly went on the attack — and now Trump is responding with an attack of his own.
See how he countered Blumenthal’s argument on the next page:
Again another story that nothing will become of anything!
Don’t let up on any of these liars get rid of all of them.
drain the swamp!!!
Blumenthal never went to Vietnam………he was a with the Marine reserve…….period.
Clinton went to Canada$#%&!@*face
Get him President Trump. Take Song Bird McCain with him.
Blumenthal IS a lying sack of$#%&!@*
He is commander in chief he can just like Obama and a few other past presidents
Misspoke is a political attempt to lie about lieing
Do it.