Donald Trump is clearly in no mood to be lied to this week.
Earlier this week, Trump fired James Comey after the FBI Director gave testimony about the Clinton investigation that many considered false or misleading.
The statement in question involved how — and how many — classified emails ended up on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Comey claimed that thousands were “forwarded” from Huma Abedin. But the number may have been smaller, and the emails may have been backed-up, not directly forwarded to her husband’s computer.
Despite months of bipartisan calls to sack Comey, Trump’s decision proved incredibly controversial. Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal quickly went on the attack — and now Trump is responding with an attack of his own.
See how he countered Blumenthal’s argument on the next page:
So was bill clinton whats your point
Ted Nugent$#%&!@*and pissed on himself for 30 days straight to get rejected by the draft board.
Where’s Obama service records or any of his records
Sick em.
We were reviled when we came home, called baby killers, spit on etc. Now this peice of c**p has been claiming hero status on what we have done. Is the lowest depth to which you can sink. Even john mcaine who was a traitor was there. This guy has been living high on the backs of others. People who died and at the very least had our lives changed forever. Is there any honor left in washington?
What’s yr point Larry. Yr hate is blatant.
I recall Obama strutting around in a similar jacket….as do all our Commander in Chiefs. Also, don’t recall Obama Serving in any type of our military either! In your book…it’s ok for Obama to Strut in a jacket he didn’t earn, and avoid the serving…..but liberals always find a double standard. Glad I wished up and switched parties! No longer Democratic…..
Another lying scum bag who should be ashamed! Sad that some will still vote for this POS
goood,,,drag this scumbag liar out once and for sll…..DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!