Democrats keep clinging to the idea that Donald Trump colluded with Russian agents during the 2016 election. But they haven’t managed to uncover any evidence suggesting their theory is correct. Luckily, thereĀ is evidence of at least one interaction a major party nominee had with the Kremlin — and it could get her into quite a bit of trouble.
The person in question is, of course, Hillary Clinton. The fact that Clinton had previous contact with the Russian government is to be expected. After all, she served as secretary of state for four years under Barack Obama. But that doesn’t mean that Clinton’s contact with the Kremlin shouldn’t come under scrutiny. While others have given Clinton a free pass, Trump is renewing efforts to investigate Clinton’s involvement in a large-scale uranium sale that occurred during her tenure as secretary of state.
Read what Trump tweeted about the controversial sale on the next page:
She certainly sold out for her own benifit.
Robert PLEASE, do some researching about what brenda said,, an while your at it look up the 6 countries donating to hillarys campaighn an look up saudi arabia funding her campaigjn, then look up what she got fired for while she was a attorney, SHES PATHOLOGIC LIAR, but your probably a democrat in denile of the truth, why do you thinl her home town of Arkansas didnt vote for her? I guess. She didnt steal stuff out of the whitehouse either after her an bill left, sometimes you gotta face the TRUTH in life.
If Trump wanted to be covered by the media in a more favorable way, he might first try to stop lying and tweeting, and spend more time actually doing his job and acting like a president for once. Trump deserves criticism, because he has only let America down in his short time as POTUS.
Call for it ! Demand it you are POTUS.
It wasn’t reported on the news because it was Hillary had it been TRUMP it would of been on every channel
Robert Robert Robert. You’ll never get out of your mommies basement being this stupid.
Explain !
If it’s about him he hides it! If it is about her he lies it!
Good eye!