The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), a national AFL-CIO-controlled union that represents U.S. Border Patrol agents, has just cancelled Donald Trump’s tour of the Laredo Sector of the Texas/Mexico border.
Border Patrol agent Hector Garza, who is the Local 2455 president, had invited Trump to check out his section of border. Now, Agent Garza has confirmed the national union had intervened and insisted Garza back out of giving Trump a border tour.
But knowing Trump, this story isn’t over.
Coward cry baby’s. Just because they got called out for not doing their job. Its funny when freedom of speech tells the truth– oh let’s not have him here. He may tell someore truths.
How is trump a failure?
I wonder how many border patrol officers were asleep in their vehicles.
it wasn’t ordered by the union, it was ordered by the higher-ups…the pigs
I wonder how many illegals were given guns and money. It would be a big mistake– this country would raise hell to no end. Trump is telling the truth. The rest of candidates are to $#%&!@* because they have sold out the American people. Hands in cookie jar means no body tells.
Afraid trump will see it?
Today’s politicians should be ashamed of themselves. They have sunk to a new low- putting illegals before the citizens they swore to protect !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What voters like about Donald Trump
“People who say the things he said will never lead a great nation in my opinion,” he said.
The attacks were just the latest efforts by those in the Republican Party to try to manage the Trump boom, which has hijacked the party’s hopes of a smooth primary process and threatens to turn the first party debate early next month into a riot.
For sure, Trump does not play the game like a regular politician. And with his tirade against Mexican immigrants and allegations that some are rapists and criminals, he seems ready to exploit fears and prejudices to boost his personal political ambition.
“I’m doing this for the good of the country,” Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an interview on Wednesday. “Somebody’s got to do it. The politicians are never going to turn this country around.”
The left are shaking in their suits over the border
yes it is