The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), a national AFL-CIO-controlled union that represents U.S. Border Patrol agents, has just cancelled Donald Trump’s tour of the Laredo Sector of the Texas/Mexico border.
Border Patrol agent Hector Garza, who is the Local 2455 president, had invited Trump to check out his section of border. Now, Agent Garza has confirmed the national union had intervened and insisted Garza back out of giving Trump a border tour.
But knowing Trump, this story isn’t over.
And who conrols the Border Patrol, hummmm?
Oh no! A presidential candidate that might actually make them do their job! Can’t have that!
He don’t need no stinkin’ tour ~ He knows w$#%&!@*up!
US border wall
For every radical action there is a radical reaction…for the stupidity of the sjws and femi$#%&!@*sts, Donald Trump is just the stupid radical reaction of the right.
It wasn’t canceled
You can clearly see who the Union’s answer to, the Obama administration no doubt called it off.
First the mex people are being use by thier own government for 100’s of years. Every president that Mexico has had have been stealing millions from them. It been a corrupt government for years.
Dictator O threatened the B P cause Valerie Jarrett told him to
this is another obama trick to hide whatever he is doing at the borders, the bordes must be secured and all illegials stoppped from entering the USA.