The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), a national AFL-CIO-controlled union that represents U.S. Border Patrol agents, has just cancelled Donald Trump’s tour of the Laredo Sector of the Texas/Mexico border.
Border Patrol agent Hector Garza, who is the Local 2455 president, had invited Trump to check out his section of border. Now, Agent Garza has confirmed the national union had intervened and insisted Garza back out of giving Trump a border tour.
But knowing Trump, this story isn’t over.
Border patrol agents are being corrupted.
No union leaders WANT to work. They’d rather subsist on the labors of the “down trodden worker!”
Don’t stop its time over due to seal the border al Latinos on this side if they don’t like it they can move to Mexico. Chicanos should be proud to be Americans and vote for trump.
Did anyone actually think Obama was going to let HIS Border Patrol to aid Trump in anyway? DUH
Scardof him his go Trump
GO TRUMP 2016 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chickens, real brave people, tied to Obama’s apron strings!
Rick Perry is what?