Donald Trump’s Republican challengers might have thought that Trump hit them hard during the GOP primary, but it looks as if they got off easy compared to the Clintons.
Sure, Marco Rubio had to defend his “little” stature, and Ted Cruz had the word “lyin'” permanently affixed to the beginning of his name, but neither had to contend with the accusations of rape, influence selling, and criminal misconduct that Bill and Hillary are currently fighting off. Donald Trump may have promised to act “more presidential,’ but he’s not backing down.
This week, those allegations became even more heated. In a recent interview, Donald Trump dredged up an oft-forgotten scandal that puts the Clintons in the middle of a would-be murder.
If Hillary’s poll numbers can’t endure a simple email scandal, they’re sure to take a nosedive if this story catches on.
To see what old story Donald Trump has brought back to life, continue reading on the next page:
James Henry When Trump becomes president leave $#%&!@* and take you’re liberal friends with you
Killary for prison.
Go Trump go let’s make America great again, liberal democrats wrecked America it’s in bad shape, don’t believe in the lying liberal news media they’re paid subsidies in billions of dollars, Hollywood gets billions of tax payers money, to talk c**p on conservative, republicans, Christians, prolifers,democrat corporate welfare is in trillions, democrat politians families are also loaded up solicitors, lobbiest that contribute to senators after senators weasel tax payers money for lobbiest by the thousands and billions stolen from Americans!
What has she ever done that isn’t fishy
Get into all the ‘fishy’ deaths around them
Its NO secret that Sick Willie & Killarys hands are Dirty …..Hell Obama & Mikey better lookout They might be on the Clinton$#%&!@*list….
What does that mean for mr. sanders? The guys never in the media and has no connection or money to lobby.
His fb page is f**e, he’s being paid!!!!!
Vince Foster, A suicide? Shot twice?? Was left handed, yet the gun was found in his right hand. Come on, shot twice in the head yet, HELLO! Benghazi?? Air support was 45 mins away in Sigonella, Sicily, there wer troops within a few miles away, told to STAND DOWN, A C130 gunship was told to STAND DOWN, a ship was going to send help, was told to STAND DOWN. Then the BUTCHER OF BENGHAZI LIED right in the faces of the families.. When she got caught the BUTCHER turned it around and said the families lied. The Butchers kill list listed in Patrick James Ancinec post below numbers 47 people ALL of whom worked or were close to the clinton’s are now GONE. 12 bodygards, 4 Americans in Benghazi, which leaves 31 people left, ALL GONE. Amazing ALL 47 people all AFFILIATED with the clintons, GONE.