While the liberal elite continues to sing praise after praise of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Donald Trump has taken it upon himself to expose both of their abuses of money and power.
Not waiting until his party’s convention in August, the president has thrown Bernie Sanders to the wayside and pledged his support to Hillary, joining his former Secretary of State on the campaign trail in North Carolina. While this can be read simply as Obama doing Hillary a solid, it just as easily could be a sign that he is deeply afraid that she could lose to Trump and feels the need to rally as much support for her as he can.
None of this was lost on Trump who drew attention to one particular aspect of the two Democrats’ alliance: their mode of transport. While it is common practice for sitting presidents to travel on Air Force One, it is most definitely not common for candidates seeking that office to ride on it to campaign functions. Yet this is exactly what Obama allowed Hillary to do, inviting her to ride on the storied plane with him. Disgusted by this blatant display of favoritism, Trump cut to the heart of the matter by asking “Who pays?” The answer, of course, is the taxpayers, with even Americans who don’t support Hillary forced to foot her bill.
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We do and I’m not for killery
Dennis (‘SHILL’), what other President did this? Please don’t be so Ignorant in these days of Technology. Back up your claims with Credible links to your sources. By the way, Being a ‘Meat-Puppet’ you must know, your boss, the ‘Sock-Puppet is keeping 25% to 50% of what you are supposed to be earning. Ask him for the Corporate paperwork about your wages. I am sure that he thanks you and tells you that you are doing a great job, but actually he’s thanking you for his house payments and his new car.
Peoples taxes
American tax payers ofcoarse, Obama is a mooch, a sponge, if he weren’t in the position he is in , he would be a welfare leech just like his beloved so-called refugees
Garry Kellogg well sir I own my business and I am doing very well. Let’s see Bush did it on his second running, and all president past him. Look it up your self. I know and don’t need to prove it to you or anyone else.. “putts”
Oh by the way thank you for my house and car and truck payments, they are all three paid off
Tax payers
Dennis Beaudrie. Your are one of the lucky ones then.. my company struggling to do well
Rodger Grub I wish you luck sir
We the people pay! Why don,t Obama pay for the use of Air Force One AND HILLARY?