Once again, Donald Trump has spoken the words that many Americans know to be true, that “illegal immigrants, in many cases–not in all cases, but in many cases–are treated better than our veterans, who are the greatest people we have.”
Wounded Warrior and American Veterans, who have given life and limb, are last in line, while illegal aliens many times receive medical care, schooling, free lunches, and food stamps in front of the men and women who should be most conscientiously cared for first.
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He is right on this point
I agree with him, and in a lot of instances ,it happens here at home
3 States have done drug screening of all Welfare recipients. AZ was one of them. All 3 States caught less than 1% of its Welfare population on drugs. All 3 States have disbanded the program. It’s the same myth that gun control advocates use. FUD – and it doesn’t help. The biggest criminals are in government, Wall St., Banksters, Big Pharma, etc. focus your efforts there. You’ll also catch the biggest drug offenders, including the CIA in the same places.
No, not America, that $hi(head so called president does. We love our vets
I agree. Our vets should come first and illegals deported
He speaks the truth and the politicals can’t handle truth!
It’s true.
It is true that illegals get more benefits and better treatment than our veterans which is appalling!