Donald Trump has made economic growth the main focus of his presidency — and he’s off to a great start.
Shortly after assuming the presidency, the Trump White House announced a plan to “create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth.”
While no other president has managed to create 25 million positions, Trump appears up to the task. Before he even took office, Trump negotiated huge deals that promised to add tens-of-thousands of jobs to the American market. His election also spurred one of the biggest rallies in Wall Street history.
Now that Trump is president, he’s continuing his winning streak.
This week, in an Oval Office announcement, Trump revealed a plan that will create 20,000 jobs over the next four years. The deal also promises to bring back thousands of jobs that have been shipped overseas under previous administrations.
Read more about the president’s announcement on the next page:
Yet the nasty Dem/Socialists keep saying over and over and over again he isn’t DOINgGanything! What LIARS they are!
Are you even awake?
Lynda, I’ll tell you what. Go buy a Trump brand shirt or tie or how about his daughter’s clothes and then see where they are made. I’ll be waiting for your response then.
You mean like Obamas promises about Obamacare where you can keep your present policy and save money besides? Or the one about the shovel ready jobs, Or the one giving our enemies millions of dollars? or or the millions he gave Kenya and other countries before he left office.
Ella Jernigan you have topped the list of the most ignorant. You have got to be the 1st abortion that has ever lived. He has done more for this country in 30 days than the last one did in 8yrs.
Sr you don’t live in a socialist country, I believe, America was a capitalist country, and Trump is a bussisness manwho has helped a lot of people to achieve their dreams, so do you prefer A nice talk, and speach, or action? Mr Trump takes action, and you should be thankful to God if you are an American citizen, you live with the best people in the world.
Ella Jernigan for your information I dont watch news or tv in general and actions speak louder than the political b******t that has spewed from every politician that has ever held office. Your oblivious to the fact that Trump has only been in office since January and yet your quick to blame Obama’s failures on him. If you want to talk about how obama was the only president in recorded history that has had a growth rate of less than 3% during his entire 8 yrs! Or lets talk about how Obama couldn’t revive the economy with a 0% interest rate! Now that Trump is in office has yellen decided that a recession is a great time to raise interest rates ! That wonderful thing the pumped up stock market will now slide back to 07 -08 levels because of it or maybe lower because yellen has plans on raising rates at least 2 more times this year ! Umm I believe yellen was hired under Obama not Trump. I can keep going if your lacking on real facts , just remain the pasdive little sheep that you are.
Ella Jernigan what about the auto loan bubble, the student loan bubble, another housing bubble, bond bubble , all of those where created under Obama not Trump. Or shall we discuss the treasury bonds that the us sells to other countries namely china so we can yet again raise the debt ceiling because as a nation we NO LONGER PRODUCE ANYTHING! The us is a consumer nation. Thank Obama for the last remaining shreds of production we did have that was allowed to be shipped over seas and quite frankly I will never stand behind a president that apologises to another country as that weak back boned useless president did. The United States was once a great proud country and under Obama Lady Liberty has taken a knee and we as citizens of this nation need to grow a back bone and give her something to be proud of once again and if you dont like the reality that we are currently in then dear I would suggest you move to another country and revoke your citizenship because we will not miss you.
Cheryl. He has the lowest approval rating than any president in history. He has done nothing but make America a laughing stoc. He does not believe in the constitution. Maybe you and him need to go to Russia. There you can kiss up to Putin. He will never be my president. He has broken the law so much. He says the law does not pertain to him. Guess what he will learn different when he is impeached or tried for treason. He has done nothing. He so much a jerk.
And do we really need to bring up that fantastically moronic idea that obama’s handlers came up with =OBAMA CARE