Donald Trump has made economic growth the main focus of his presidency — and he’s off to a great start.
Shortly after assuming the presidency, the Trump White House announced a plan to “create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth.”
While no other president has managed to create 25 million positions, Trump appears up to the task. Before he even took office, Trump negotiated huge deals that promised to add tens-of-thousands of jobs to the American market. His election also spurred one of the biggest rallies in Wall Street history.
Now that Trump is president, he’s continuing his winning streak.
This week, in an Oval Office announcement, Trump revealed a plan that will create 20,000 jobs over the next four years. The deal also promises to bring back thousands of jobs that have been shipped overseas under previous administrations.
Read more about the president’s announcement on the next page:
Ella Jernigan thank you for agreeing that obama did have the lowest approval rating and for making america the laughing stock and obama never believed in the constitution. I will gladly thank putin for understanding that obama was blantly trying to start a war with russia and showing great restraint. Obama invaded Syria and couldn’t spark a war there trying to remove assad because assad wont bend to the will of Obama’s handlers . I agree fully that obama needs to be charged with treason. As always your putting trumps name where obamas rightfully belongs.
Cheryl. Get your facts straight. You are just like Trump, so jealous that a black man makes him look stupid.
Ella Jernigan please stay the mindless sheep that you are and please dont ever vote again. I love idiots like you
Trump has been in the government for less than two months and he still does not have his cabinet and other members of his government thanks to the Dems delaying tactics…His businesses as well as other businesses are still under the effects of the last eight years which destroyed any industry in America and exported jobs….as a result businesses had to order their products overseas…Facts!!!!! Give the government a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He had hid chance before the election. Check Trump University. Check his bankruptcy , 6 of them. How about all the people he owes and then doesn’t pay. Hr says he is a smart businessman. He is nothing but a thief. Ceck it out. He says he is going to bring jobs back to the US. How about his interests in china. He has his brand shirts and ties made on China. How about his daughters clothing line made in China. Go buy a Trump brand shirt and see where it is made. The IRS does not know where he is getting his money. I understand he owes a bank with ties to Russia over 400 billion. His son in law also owes that bank, as well as his mother a lot of money. His dad does not because he just got out of jail. Check it out
Don’t believe me. Check it out. We have 5 living x- presidents, republican and democrats all five of them are against Trump. He scares all of them. Like I said. Check it out.
Do you know what the EPA is or was. It was not an Obama thing. It was started in the 70,s
I guess when thousands of people die then we will worry about. Check it out. Maybe you or your family will die. Maybe you will worry about it then
But you want to give him a chance.he has had his chance.
His cabinet can’t be confirmed because all of them have lied to congress. One was also working for another government. They all have connections to Russia. Check out how many Russians have died one way or the other since the election teo are still alive, one was poisened and didn,t die yet and one that was pushed out of a four story window did not die yet, all tied to Trump. Check it out.
My question is: how much has he invested in these so called companies? Are these companies offering full time with a living wage and benefits? And knowing he is rascist, who actually gets hired? Lastly, is American made products affordable? Last time I looked, American made was quite expensive and out of reach for most americans.
LOL thousands of jobs. Obama put 12 MILLION people back to work.
Great governor Abbott