Do you believe that Edward Snowden exposed unconstitutional actions conducted by our federal government in terms of the massive surveillance of American citizens?
Is Edward Snowden a patriot because he brought to light to Orwellian governmental survellience programs – or is he a traitor because he hampered the efforts of the federal government to win the ‘war on terror’ by conducting these programs that included every American citizen?
This year, a panel of judges on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the program Snowden exposed was NEVER legal. The Patriot Act DOES NOT authorize what the feds have been doing through the NSA.
“Statutes to which the government points have never been interpreted to authorize anything approaching the breadth of the sweeping surveillance at issue here,” Judge Gerard E. Lynch stated. “The sheer volume of information sought is staggering.”
Courts have ruled that this massive surveillance is NOT Constitutional.
Yet, Donald Trump has a concrete position: Edward Snowden is a traitor.
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Watch out Trump will take care of you ,too he will put you in your place .
sorry Trump but Snowden is NOT a traitor…he let us all know that we were being spied on extensively
Snowden let us know how extensively we were being spied on…he is no traitor
vote trump
Good point… used to…. he might change his mind when he looks a little harder at the facts…
Snowden is a traitor and a coward. Whats wrong Snowden? You found out all those other countries are not as great as America and now you want back? You made your bed, now go sleep in it.
Obama is not a gay communist community organizing Muslim Brotherhood traitor and donald trump is just a blow hard and Conservative’s in america will lie, cheat, steal and do what ever it take’s to Destroy america and it all started with Regan the bad actor. As for Snowden He is a True American Hero.
Snowden is a traitor, not for what he did, but how he did it. Sentence suspended.
Rush Limbaugh , you’re a flaming retard. Undoubtedly Southern. Definitely stupid. Sit down and shut up