Terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was an ‘unlikely jihadist’, his wife’s cousin claimed, though his final words indicate that he dedicated his heinous actions to his god.
He certainly is a despicable human-being, but Walid Hamou, a cousin of Bouhlel’s wife Hajer Khalfallah, said he, ‘He was not a Muslim, he was a s***. He beat his wife, my cousin, he was a nasty piece of work.”
Whether Bouhlel was religious enough in his cousin’s opinion or not, his dying words demonstrate an belief in radical Islamic ideology.
Hamou claims Bouhlel never attended mosque or prayed, that he ate pork, drank alcohol and took drugs, and beat his wife. Perhaps he was a prodigal Muslim, as his dying words before being shot by police were “Allahu Akbar”.
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Your saying this so the government won`t look at your family. Then deport all of you….
Rotflmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a load of c**p, go ahead tell another joke , please!
I know people who eat pork, and who drink alcohol, yet don’t drive trucks into crowds of people screaming about their God. These attacks are fostered by sick religious fervor, period!
Muslim thinking….
He’s not a Muslim because he eats pork & drinks alcohol & not bec
So let me try to understand this……
He’s not a good Muslim because he eats pork & drinks alcohol & not because he murdered innocent men, women and children
Oh ya, he was a good Muslim, he’s dead isn’t he?
Never heard of a good msslime?
Well there went his 72 virgins.
good grief.