Mark-1 Plumbing company from Texas city, TX is receiving harassing phone calls from around the country by people that think they are aiding terrorists after one of their trucks somehow made a trip around the world to end up in the middle of the Syrian civil war.
Their Ford F-250, labeled with their company name, is now being used as an anti-aircraft weapon by militants.
One word: Obaaama!
Why such a push for healthcare for everyone? Could be a sign of war coming soon. All these other dictator like laws and just a sign of them taking full control. Felony if caught w a gun or armored vest? Prepare for battle my friends.. crooks are not only at the bottom of the triangle but also at the top!
BETTER check with Gov.Perry that’s in Texas, he probably got his cut
Truth And Action..what exactly is a “plummer”??????
“Impeach” them all, not just the puppet on strings!
obama gave it to them after he put the plummer out of business by forceing him to buy obamacare
Bet their name comes off now, before selling. Maybe they were there reparing plumbing, after bombs, pickup was stolen
We the people are paying by TAXES
Wag the Dog ???