Donald Trump again widended his lead against Ted Cruz in this week’s Western Tuesday elections, but that hasn’t stopped Republican party leaders from planning an all out delegate war against Trump during this summer’s Republican convention.
It’s looking more and more as if the road to 1,237 delegates is opening up to Trump. While he may still land shy of the magic number needed to secure the nomination on the first ballot, the billionaire businessman’s team may only have to pull over a few delegates in order for Trump to be crowned the convention winner, and GOP nominee.
The party, then, has its work cut out for them, as the path for their as-yet publicly undisclosed establishment candidate involves much more wheeling and dealing. This isn’t stopping them from trying to defeat Trump, of course. Now, however, the focus has shifted from pooling together non-Trump candidates’ delegates to stealing them from the man himself.
See how they’ll accomplish this on the next page:
Trump On.. Let’s Make America Great Again… And kill Isis..
Everyone acts like a contested convention will stop the Trump phenomenon. I can assure you, if the Republican Party does not keep its end of the contract, Mr. Trump does not have to keep his.
The American people, will not tolerate another 4 years doubting the citizenship status of its president. It simply isn’t going to happen. Mr. Trump, even at a contested convention, will absolutely dominate. We will not support the use of the Diebold voting machines to count the ballots.
We the people demand (at a contested convention), only paper ballots be allowed, and they be hand counted. Trump, in anticipation of the general elections, I highly suggest you hire the best programmers out of Las Vegas to look at the source codes. Absolutely no one is better at catching cheaters then those Vegas casinos. That’s an absolute guarantee.
Our government is committed to pissing off it’s people!
You G.O.P. “good old Boys”, better get your act together, before you get run over by the TRUMP TRAIN ! We will leave you in the DUST ! How about supporting to: “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”, LIKE THE MAJORITY WANT !
People please vote these assholes out they dont think we can do it we will be the new party the trump republicans
WE got a bunch of jackasses in Washington, they think the peoples voice does not matter, but they will see
Let them try will show you civil unrest like you’ve never seen
Trump 2016TRUMP!