Trial has concluded with a not-guilty verdict for Officer Craig Taylor, the cop that tasered and then shot multiple bean bag rounds fired from a shotgun that killed John Wrana Jr., who was only days away from celebrating his 96th birthday as one of our oldest living World War 2 veterans.
Taylor was charged with felony reckless conduct, although he should have been be tried for murder. When excessive force becomes this blatant we are outside of the bounds of considering that the officer was operating within police authority.
Shoot his ass! He’s a threat to my life!
That’s clearly a bunch of CHICKEN$#%&!@* cops!!! And I use the term loosely!!!!!
oh yes i can see that he was a real threat
A lot of cops used to be soldiers. Personally, I was in the Marine Corps. Could I disarm a 95 year old man with a knife with hand to hand combatives? Probably so. Do I want to risk not seeing my wife and kid tonight when I have non lethal weapons at my disposal? Absolutely not.
95 yrs old??? Oh yes we can!!!!! It is our duty!!!!!
As a LEO… Could I disarm a 95yo man by going hand to hand? Probably so. Do I want to risk not seeing my wife and child tonight when I have nonlethal weapons at my disposal? Absolutely not. Get the $#%&!@* over yourselves.
It’s innocent until proven guilty not the other way around
Encountering a potentially life threatening situation at work even once per year is too much. Most cops outside of Mayberry experience more than that. Your inference of susan’s comment was way off, btw.
cop should have been charged with murder
For using department issued nonlethal weapons vs a man coming at him with a knife ? Yea. Makes sense.