Trial has concluded with a not-guilty verdict for Officer Craig Taylor, the cop that tasered and then shot multiple bean bag rounds fired from a shotgun that killed John Wrana Jr., who was only days away from celebrating his 96th birthday as one of our oldest living World War 2 veterans.
Taylor was charged with felony reckless conduct, although he should have been be tried for murder. When excessive force becomes this blatant we are outside of the bounds of considering that the officer was operating within police authority.
I say if u cant take down A 95 yr old man and arest him with just a taser I say ur not much of a cop… yes having a knife out on a cop is bad but using a shot gun and a lot of bean bags oh please
95 yrs. old and was scared for their life, fire them all and give them several yrs. in prison and make the Dept. pay for his death.
I say if you aren’t a cop and you haven’t faced someone with a knife, and it’s not your job to go get him, and you weren’t there, you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Lol you act like cops are soldiers… The majority of them either sit behind a desk or sit in a car and give people tickets. Every once in a while they get someone who’s on drugs or drunk. And very very rarely do they come across gang members or somebody trying to kill them… Think about the average cops day to day life. Unless they’re special forces combatting drug cartels. Then yes, that’s a different story. My point is, being a cop actually isn’t that dangerous. Look up most dangerous jobs in America and cop will not be as high up there as you’d think.
Your point is
This should never have happened. The officers who responded must have just got done watching the latest episode of COPS.
We weren’t there we can’t Judge why the Officers did what they did simple as that
You ever wonder what the $#%&!@* is wrong with some of these $#%&!@*s? I sure as hell do!!
Jimmie, I don’t give a $#%&!@* whether I was there or not!!