Hillary Clinton may not have inherited her husband’s likeability or political skill, but it seems as if she learned how to do at least one thing from Bill Clinton.
While President Clinton’s stint in the White House is remembered fairly fondly today, at the time he was as scandal-ridden as presidents come. Despite the fact that he presided over one of the least tumultuous times in American history, he managed to get himself impeached for his inability to tell the truth under oath.
How fitting that that is the one thing Hillary has picked up on during her eight years in the White House.
Mrs. Clinton may have escaped indictment thanks to a befuddling recommendation from the FBI, but James Comey’s surprise announcement didn’t vindicate Hillary’s version of events. Instead, he proved that nearly everything she said was a lie, even things she said under oath.
Today, James Comey testified before Congress on his decision. See Trey Gowdy grill the FBI director on Hillary’s lies on the next page:
well the secret service will have to change the title of POTUS to you guessed it folks…COTUS “Cimminal of the United States” and Hillaries the only one running in that race…. so now there are 2 elections going on make sure You vote for POTUS thats where Mr Trump is running…………………………….by God America is a 10, so its now or never if we dont vote for the Hero we will get the…. Zero …plus Bill….! , and she will bring in the…” SS” …that would be ” Soros Surrogets” under the guise of UN peace keeping forces boots on the ground on american soil……they maybe going for all the marbles.! ..be ready for anything and please VOTE TRUMP its the only way to stem off whats in the air..!… so now we are MULUH OBOZOS chicken$#%&!@*nation….we are poised the enter the realm of the 4th world countries..how utterly pitiful that our congress allowed this to come to fruition…..the dems are desperate Dbags at this point they will light it on fire if they cant keep it..just watch…be ready stay vigilant. Trump 2016..time to get mean!
4 years as the SOS and only using her Undocumented and Private Server Only, and there was not one ‘Classified’, ‘Top-Secret’, or Sensitive eMail that passed through it? Unlikely! She’s guilty, even more so than Petraeus! This is Exactly why we as a country cannot allow this individual into the highest office in the land.
It is a SAD DAY in America with such a CORRUPT Administration HEADED by the a Corrupt POS President!!!
What was in the 30,000 scrubbed email and why were they scrubbed ? Why did the server guy take the fifth 125 times ? Why did they not investigate the perjury ? She has lied her entire career no matter the position. Vote Trump , we do not need this Saudi bought liar in the White House. The last 8 years is enough
He damn sure didn’t want to say it. That idiot tap-danced the whole time. What kind of an answer is it to say, “I am not qualified to answer that question”? when your the freaking Director of the FBI. How pathetic. Why is everyone so afraid to do their jobs these days? Naturally, the idiot liberals could not heap enough praise on the guy, but if Comey had said Hillary was criminal, then those same dumbass democrats would be crying and belly-aching about how unfair everything was. And what is with the questions about cops killing African-Americans? That has nothing to do with the investigation of Hillary. These damn liberals just can’t stay focused on anything other then some social cause. The whole thing would be funny if it was not so pathetic. Its time for armed insurrection. There is no other way. Its not going to get any better.
Regarding Hillary’s $250,000 speeches, the only subject she could speak on that is worth a dime is ” How to lie and get a way with it”.
Throw Comey and Hitlery in jail…This is B******T!!!