Hillary Clinton may not have inherited her husband’s likeability or political skill, but it seems as if she learned how to do at least one thing from Bill Clinton.
While President Clinton’s stint in the White House is remembered fairly fondly today, at the time he was as scandal-ridden as presidents come. Despite the fact that he presided over one of the least tumultuous times in American history, he managed to get himself impeached for his inability to tell the truth under oath.
How fitting that that is the one thing Hillary has picked up on during her eight years in the White House.
Mrs. Clinton may have escaped indictment thanks to a befuddling recommendation from the FBI, but James Comey’s surprise announcement didn’t vindicate Hillary’s version of events. Instead, he proved that nearly everything she said was a lie, even things she said under oath.
Today, James Comey testified before Congress on his decision. See Trey Gowdy grill the FBI director on Hillary’s lies on the next page:
Trey gowdy is like a “bull dog”, when he latches on to something he is not going to let it go.
A dark day for America.
You are a hero! Go get her’
When I was just 21 years old. I lost a woman I loved and a son who only had 3 hours of air breathing life. So I know that it is going to take Time, a long time. For the family’s hearts to heal from the tragic loss of loved ones in Benghazi. To make such a cold statement that Hillary Clinton made. “What difference does it make?”. She has a history of people around her getting dead for questionable reasons at times that could only be convenient for the Clintons. She needs to feel the difference and the loss of the seat in the Oval Office. And possibly a period of time in a cell could be just what she needs.
Good Job, Trey, you got him to admit hillary Lied to everyone.