No matter how he tries to spin it most Americans might have a problem awarding bonus payments to the IRS.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew not only defended the granting of bonuses to IRS employees Wednesday before the Senate Finance committee, he said there was not a proper level of funding for the agency to “do everything that we really need them to do.”
Under questioning from Sen. John Thune (R., S.D.) over the agency’s targeting of conservative groups and concern that employees involved were still granted bonuses, Lew said there were no signs of political interference in any of his department’s reviews.
It’s little things like this that make Senator Ted Cruz’ call to abolish the IRS so popular!
Source: Washington Free Beacon
Photo: World Bank Photo Collection
Absolutely NOT!
then I deserve a million dollars for putting up with the IRS
For what? Targeting conservative groups?
If that is your thinking, you got to go!! DE FUND the IRS!!
Cut benefits to the Military but give a bonus to the same people who are screwing us go figure
Taxing to give them their wages is one thing, taxing more for bonuses just stinks. Actually, them getting paid for harassing citizens stinks, too!
P**s off idiot. They need to be tried as traitors and the IRS needs to be shut down perminately.
IRS employees deserve the electric chair
Hell No