The Obama administration must have a lot of time on it’s hands because it’s not only spending your money, it’s planning on changing how it looks.
Feeling like it hasn’t done enough to pander to liberals obsessed with identity politics, the Department of the Treasury has declared that it is considering making some major changes to the $10 and $20 bills. Secretary Jack Lew made an official announcement just this week, revealing what the Department plans to do to our money.
Apparently, the Treasury is getting ready to boot Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill and replace him with a women who is supposed to represent the struggle for “racial equality.” Although it was widely speculated that Rosa Parks was the woman in question, the final selection of the Department was Harriet Tubman, the beloved abolitionist and folk hero.
As for the $10 bill, Alexander Hamilton will be joined by a strange, mural-like portrait of various women involved with the women’s suffrage movement on the back. Prominent figures like Susan B. Anthony will reportedly be present, but considering the limited space, it will probably be hard to give each woman the distinguishing features necessary to tell them apart.
Naturally, the changes sparked a huge debate over whether they were appropriate or even necessary. While commentators on both sides generally agreed that Tubman is deserving of being commemorated on our currency, conservatives questioned both the wisdom and taste of bumping Jackson off the $20 bill to do so.
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I demand to see Andrew Jackson
I don’t give a darn who you put on our money when we are not in debt and have surplus money to spend after all homeless are fed and vets are taken care of !! No cuts to SS or military!!!!!
Given our propensity to give people and things nicknames, how long will it be until people start calling the $20 bill a Tubby?
There will be no stopping them until our America as we have known it will no longer exist.
Who is she???
We need to stop judging historical figures based upon current trends and societal mores. I said some things as recently as 1986 that would be appalling if they had been captured and placed on youtube. While Andrew Jackson did some bad things, he also saved this country during our second revolution, the war of 1812. Without the Battle of New Orleans, we’d be subjects of the crown, and England would have had not impetus to become the more-democratic country it is today.
If her mug is on one I will never accept one again
Stop wasting our tax dollars to pander to blacks. Obama hates white Americans. Read his books…for free at the library.
YES, I Could Go for That—–GOD On Our Money Makes More Sense to Me.
Good thought Bill, I know she was a good woman. But I like your suggestion, why change something that means so much to the development of our country, it has nothing to do with race.