The Obama administration must have a lot of time on it’s hands because it’s not only spending your money, it’s planning on changing how it looks.
Feeling like it hasn’t done enough to pander to liberals obsessed with identity politics, the Department of the Treasury has declared that it is considering making some major changes to the $10 and $20 bills. Secretary Jack Lew made an official announcement just this week, revealing what the Department plans to do to our money.
Apparently, the Treasury is getting ready to boot Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill and replace him with a women who is supposed to represent the struggle for “racial equality.” Although it was widely speculated that Rosa Parks was the woman in question, the final selection of the Department was Harriet Tubman, the beloved abolitionist and folk hero.
As for the $10 bill, Alexander Hamilton will be joined by a strange, mural-like portrait of various women involved with the women’s suffrage movement on the back. Prominent figures like Susan B. Anthony will reportedly be present, but considering the limited space, it will probably be hard to give each woman the distinguishing features necessary to tell them apart.
Naturally, the changes sparked a huge debate over whether they were appropriate or even necessary. While commentators on both sides generally agreed that Tubman is deserving of being commemorated on our currency, conservatives questioned both the wisdom and taste of bumping Jackson off the $20 bill to do so.
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Not gona happen
The laws of the day, The only thing you people want is to glorify a black. Why not a native American who was more important in our history .
Steve Greenwood Like it or not Steve she was breaking the lawbut I am sure that means nothing to you. I also was informed that she robbed those slaves of what they had
S[ all southern guys are inbred in your book huh. Well she’s dead and did nothing as far as putting this country ahead so she don’t deserve to be on no money
That is so freaky WRONG!!!!!!
AMERICA is ON the DECLINE!!! THE TREASURY BILLS<<< shoud BE of U.S. PRESIDENTS<<<< If they wanted to put a Black Person on the Treasury Bill, THERE are FAR to many other Blacks who MADE America great!! I forget the Black Man who fought along side George Washington during the Revolutionary War. BUT Washington made him a Captain and he went on to loose a leg and an arm, and killed 100 British soldiers.
more stupidity.
They should put her picture on toilet paper. …
The money thang is just a another distraction to keep focus away from alot if other important issues. Like the fact Paul Ryan(traitor) allows Ovomit to pull money from military pensions to give to illegal aliens. Once again Good Americans getting screwed by the establishment, politicians could not care less about us. As long as they can continue to write their own laws and something else for us. But We The People are coming to take back control of p**s poor government.