Trayvon Martin is about to graduate from college. If that sentence sounds strange to you, it should. Martin was shot and killed five years ago by George Zimmerman. He was 17-years old at the time and was still in high school. He has never attended a day of college in his life.
But the fact that Martin never actually went to college isn’t stopping one school from offering him a posthumous degree. Ever since his death, the left has used his story to spin a narrative of racism and police brutality. The fact that Zimmerman was neither white nor a cop didn’t matter. He looked white and was acting as a “neighborhood watch coordinator” — which was close enough. So now they’re rewarding Martin for his contribution to their political agenda.
See what field Martin is receiving a bachelor of science in on the next page:
Well blacks have been awarded unearned degrees since the sixties, what’s new?
Maybe his degree will impress satin, as trayvon rots in hell.
That black pos couldn’t even count to 10 . He’s dead and gone . One less thug on the street .
What a terrific comment Penny! Very well said and Agee with your post! Good job
A degree in wannabe gang thuggery! …doesn’t deserve a degree.
Obama is a Treasonous Muslim and his sole purpose has always been to weaken and destroy America internally and he was given 8 full years and did just that. Not this Treasonous criminal knows ALL of America’s most intimate secrets and weaknesses now, He is continuing to work against America and plan more destruction.
He is Truly America’s enemy #1.
He is the snake of the most poisonous kind
If the Treasonous Muslim Obama can double the National debt in 8yrs more than All the Presidents Put Together then we will give A Real Man and Leader Trump a quarter of that to play with.
Russia is a Liberal distraction to try to turn the heads of True Good Americans away from the Treasonous criminal Muslim Obama and his collusion with his Muslim brotherhood Iran to continue destabilizing America.
Today’s Liberalism and Progressivism are Cowardice, lazy, entitled and incapable of truth… This cancerous mentalities devouring the world.
LIBERALISM is America’s #1 Enemy! They are the only ones who are laying down with their legs spread wide open along with the door to America, inviting Islam and Anti-American elements into America. If you don’t destroy the sick Liberal cancer devouring America you might as well hand your kids and grandchildren over to Islam!
Fight back now or be devoured!
Mus joke.
I guess this further proves that a bachelor’s degree is worthless. I wanted to be a pilot too but I never got high enough.
Extremely beneficial! NOT! Extreme stupidity! YES!