Offended America has struck again, breathing new life into a debate that liberals pursued with heated intensity earlier this year.
If you’ll recall the incident that happened back in June, when Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, N.C. Not only were all nine of his victims African American, but during the investigation, photographs found by investigators depicted Roof flying a Confederate Flag, prompting states to remove Confederate flags from all government buildings or be forced to deal with the offended cries of outrage from activist groups like Black Lives Matter and everyone else ignorant of the flag’s meaning.
Apparently flags are now responsible for mass shootings. In this latest incident involving the Confederate flag, University students in Massachusetts who were upset by an image of a Confederate flag sticker on another student’s laptop were offered counseling at Framingham State University.
Read more about this new claim of offense on the next page.
Reading this article traumatized me now I need counseling
Really? Are you kidding me? What is she a drama student? What a moron.
OH NO not the flag that represents freedom from big government
poor babies
This bunch of pansies are going to be the ones in charge when I retire in another 20 years…. I can hardly wait….
Where are the parents and how can they put up with their kids being this stupid. Or did the parents teach them to be such crybabies! This is ridiculous. Give them a pacifier, a baby bottle and diapers! What losers!
they need a real good as whipping so they have something to fuss about my dad would have
What kind of generation of kids are being raised?? She is traumatized by the sight of a flag…..she should be sent to the middle east to watch our “friends” the radical Muslim terrorists… behead an innocent person. Then we’ll revisit what exactly being traumatized means with her. This is unbelievable. If she were my daughter, I’d be ashamed of that behavior.
Wow another lie toy are werid as Satan,he taught you to lie.