Corey has been waiting for two and half years for hormone treatments to begin facilitating gender change. The viral video of him receiving his first prescription for hormone therapy arrived and the moment was captured by her mother.
Buzzfeed had two million views of the video in three days. It makes one wonder if we are a society that still goes to the Big Top to view what we consider bizarre. Why the mass amount of interest? And will this moment of fame be a destructive force in this young teen’s life?
There are so many negative facets about this story and the lack of wisdom of the parent who thought posting this was a good idea. Read more on page 2.
yeah, Mom…posting this is going to cost a whole lot of negativity
As an American hispanic, I’m tired of how all of these coward racist liberals that hate Christianity like Obama, Clinton, and their supporters are trying to turn this great country into a 3rd world one. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems we have right now is the media and entertainment that are always trying to tell us how to think. They have created enough imbeciles that would re-elect a failure like Obama. Even more, I’m supposed to bow down to anti-American Obama, love liberal policies no matter how destructive they are, love bigger enslaving government, support abortion, and be in favor of illegal immigration because of the color of my skin… disgusting. That’s why I and others created “Chepo Team”, the first true pro-America, Christian comic strip. Please support our cause by liking our facebook page . Thank you
Child Abuse… a few years ago this would be called sexual Grooming… a form.of pedophilia! Way to.push the Trand Agenda…
Parents should ashamed and SHOT
This has to be another FB B/S story. If it was true, CPS would have taken the child away before now.
I’m sad to see this. Let’s teach our children the real nature! !!!!!! The new world order is in 6th gear. Prepare! !!
Thank You for not being blind and seeing what is really going on around you
Its the new agenda so its acceptable
More damm stupidity. . .
Parents should be arrested.