Last Tuesday an ordinance that would enable male patrons to use restrooms specifically outlined for female use was soundly beaten in Houston. As Houston will be the host for the 2017 Super Bowl, liberal groups have taken the opportunity to call for a boycott of the city’s economy until the NFL decides to switch host cities.
According to the groups leading the boycott, letting males into female bathrooms is a necessity to protect the dignity of transgender fans. The fact that this “human right” is at best questionable in nearly ever major US city is for some reason ignored. If the NFL concedes, which it understandably seems unlikely to do, the liberal groups will have quite the search on their hands to find a city that exemplifies their unreasonably liberal standards.
To read more about their demands, continue reading on the next page.
Would you want a transgender in the same restroom as your Wife or Daughter? I would Never want this to happen. Having a man;s plumbing, but dressing as a women, Never makes you a women.
That’s ridiculous! The hell with liberals. The people have spoken, so deal with it!
Oh give it up already!
I would never let my kids or grandchildren, the kids I work with to be exposed to males in girls bathrooms or girls in the boys bathrooms…If you are biologically one or the other, that is the restroom you use period.
They already are. Now you have to ask yourself why
Maybe some kind of enlightenment? I have no idea. I wonder that myself
Your daughters rights don’t matter or mine . We’re the 99.07% normal minds allowing the .03% to tell us how we should live to not offend them !!!! Until parents and citizens out an end to listening or caring what these ill people want it will just continue
Ya, everyone’s gonna boycott the super bowl to support a bunch of freaks. Liberal America, how does it feel to see your ship sinking
Save America and deport a Liberal!