Every once in a while a story crawls its way into the media that makes you read it out of pure shock value. In a world where people can change their gender because they feel they were “meant” to be a member of the opposite sex, is it really surprising that somebody can feel that way about other conditions as well? A North Carolina woman says she’s happier than ever after finally realizing her lifelong wish of becoming blind. You won’t believe how she did it.
Find out what happened on the next page.
She gets a free ride if not in an institution then on disability.
Is it me or are people becoming dumber n dumber?…
The psychologist ought to have charges brought against him/her and lose their license and do time in prison, but that is my opinion. Dr is as sick as the woman.
first off, what a freak (she needs to be in a mental institution), second..that dr. needs his license revoked for helping her to become blind
and I guess she’s on ssi
she does need to be in an institution and that dr needs to get his licenses revoked and he needs to go with her to an institution
That’s sick
Dofus comes to mind.
There will never be a point in time where anyone can say I’ve heard the craziest thing ever.