While many Americans are furious with the terms of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that was signed this past February, few have been able to accurately predict its consequences on the American economy. Now, according to the website Collectively Conscious, we have the first taste of what the deal could look like, thanks to similar agreements made in India.
There, the United States blocked a massive solar project that would have significantly increased India’s energy independence, in spite of the fact that the United States has benefited tremendously from the technology back at home. According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the plant didn’t meet requirements that specify that a certain percentage of the plant’s components be sourced locally.
This red tape for the sake of red tape is not only pointless but is now doing more to hurt the world’s economies than help them. To learn more about this story, and its potential ramifications here in the United States, continue reading on the next page:
an example of bullying–by the WTO?
So much progress
Something else Oblummer threw us in!
facts don’t lie.
Solar Production is a good thing why shut it down it makes no sense to me
This is so wrong. We don’t have that right. It is none of our dam business
If i was india, i would tell the wto to go$#%&!@*off and continue with the plant.
In an ANTICIVILIZATION, the ANTICHRISTS can make the good appear bad and the bad appear good. These NEOCHEATING PARASITICAL ELITES are masters of DECEPTIONS and ILLUSIONS using the techniques of 1. Divide & Rule 2. Confuse & Control, and 3. Distort & Destroy. They have to divide CONCEPTS, confuse LANGUAGES, and distort WORDS to stay in usurped power, unearned wealth, and bogus livelihoods while propagating such malevolent civilization through WARS, CRIMES, DISEASES, FAMINES, POVERTY, SLAVERY, DEATHS, AND OTHER ABOMINABLE ACTS AND TRICKS UTILIZING INITIATORY FORCE, THREAT OF FORCE, COERCION, INTIMIDATION, DECEPTIONS, ILLUSIONS, BLACKMAILS, FALSE-FLAG OPERATIONS, FEAR-MONGERING, SUBVERSION, BRAINWASHING, MASS MIND-CONTROL, AND OTHER TECHNIQUES OF MANIPULATION AND INSTIGATION.
With you on that buddy! I do not trust this administration, and I fear they will derail the election, or commit a false flag attack, or natural disaster to pose their will.