The 9/11 Memorial of the Twin Reflecting Pools at Ground Zero is privately owned. A lot of people don’t understand that, but it is the truth of most New York City real estate. The thing with private property is that it is just that: private. If you own a property and you choose to put a giant crucifix on the land, you would expect that you would be able to keep it there, without government intervention or a private citizen coming in and informing you that you have to remove it.
At the same time, while we stand united under that banner, we also have to respect the fact that there are those in this country who don’t necessarily agree with patriotism or the free expression of pride in your country. A few tourists, who traveled a full 2,500 miles to New York City to view the Twin Reflecting Pools recently were denied the ability to remain near the area due to the fact that they were carrying an American flag. I think, on reflection (no pun intended) that the tourists who came to visit could have approached the site without the flag and, if they truly wanted to have a thoughtful prayer or silent moment there at the pools, it could have been done without the giant flag. I’m not saying they should have been ushered off, by no means.
Just for a moment, though, put yourself in the shoes of the people who are tasked with the job of “keeping the peace” in that area. Not police, but the people employed by the corporation who owns that land where the pools are. They may not care a wit about the American flag being carried up to that area, but their bosses have informed them that it’s a no-no. They have to follow company protocol. It’s not really their fault. Just like the police who are tasked with “keeping the peace.” When they arrive at an area where there is a dispute, they must follow the law. The law says that on private property, the owner has the final say in what is displayed and what is not. And, ultimately, as those who follow Constitutional rights, we should respect that right.
Now, that being said, I believe it was foolish to usher those tourists off the grounds because they were not causing a scene. They were not shouting. They were not protesting. And they were not impeding anyone’s path. Those, in and of themselves, should be enough to say that these guys are just trying to show some patriotism. By all means, if they were causing a scene, there is absolutely nothing that I would say in support of that. The police have every right to stop a commotion of that nature, simply out of respect for those who have lost loved ones there.
Let’s also address the little hypocrisy that, if a Leftist group had arrived and blocked the paths of incoming tourists, were shouting down bystanders, and were being foul-mouthed and disrespectful, I would fully hope that the same owners of this private property would treat them with the identical behavior by calling in the police to break up that rabble.
Watch the video and judge for yourself. I support these gentlemen, but I also understand the need to respect the rights of private property. It’s one of the cherished cores of our American values, instilled directly by our Founding Fathers.
Thank you, American Patriots.
Ushered away by who? They certainly couldn’t be Americans (unless, of course, they happen to be socialist-democratic, kool-aid drinking idiots) JACK
It offends muslims, therefore it will not be tolerated – It appears that America is having trouble assimilating into islamic culture and the 3% of Americans who are muslim are getting pretty pissed off – This is what happens whenever a country allows Liberals to take over… Goodbye, America!!!
No, it’s OUR fault we let this happen! Obama should have been impeached and imprisoned for treason along with all the thumb sucking, power hungry socialist-democratic communist congressmen! JACK
Obama and his Muslim cohorts had two years to work on this very thing! JACK