Two topless feminist protesters stormed the stage of a Muslim conference in Pontoise, a small town just outside of Paris, France.
The women had the the words “Nobody makes me submit” written on their bare chests. The enraged Muslims dragged the protesters off the stage as they shouted, “Nobody makes me submit, me nobody owns me, I’m my own prophet!”
See the video next page:
I’m awake and a Semite is a Semite Shames Timothy.
Lord, we as your children thank you for Mr. Trump and Mr Pence and all those that work and honor their realms. Please Lord, protect them as they do your honored works in this Evil world. Guide and direct them. Give them special knowledge to save this Blessed country you helped us build from the Evil that is destroying it. Open the hearts of your lost children that they can see the truth. Amen
Hmm..interesting.. What I’m tired of seeing is people talking bout Muslims like they’re a race or from 1 country. I was a chef at a middle eastern restaurant. The owner was a Muslim from Palestine. This man is also US navy intelligence.He prays to Allah but he would never take the Islamic extremists side his sworn duty is to our country. He’s now been an American for over 30 years. My best friend and chef from there is from Morocco and also Muslim..north African Muslims are nothing like middle eastern Muslims and they do not get along. He would never help Islamic extremists or middle eastern Muslims for that matter. There are way better reasons for hating a person than religion. unless your religion requires you to take lives then you’re part of the problem as well.
I have yet to meet a Muslim that hates Christians. In fact the Muslims mentioned were trying to push Christianity on me because everyone needs to believe in a god and if that’s what I was taught I shouldn’t turn away from my religion..and then finish with you know.. Jesus is one of our profits and a very wise teacher.
I don’t believe in beliefs.
Are those verses showing promotion to pedophile ???
All of your arguments taken from the misdeeds of Muslims, are u only seeing the misdeeds ??
U said “sick theology”, what’s your definition about theology which enables you to justify any theology is sick ??
You knew them…you asked for it!
You have no preference at all for your negativity. You only believe in hoax that u can’t prove…
If Muhammad PBUH was really a pedophile, so most of the muslims should be pedophile, are u seeing most of Muslims on the globe are pedophiles ???
Have u ever been a victim of any pedophiles ???
Well at least they weren’t real pigs. So the low life Muslims beat them up – – well that is what is going to get a very right wing president elected in the next go around for France.’