Two topless feminist protesters stormed the stage of a Muslim conference in Pontoise, a small town just outside of Paris, France.
The women had the the words “Nobody makes me submit” written on their bare chests. The enraged Muslims dragged the protesters off the stage as they shouted, “Nobody makes me submit, me nobody owns me, I’m my own prophet!”
See the video next page:
Chick got beat jumped…lol. So much for peaceful and tolerant
I’m not for the mistreatment of women! That being said, feminists are incredibly stupid people! Don’t ask me to feel sorry for them!
You should of wore bacon bras
I’m sure they are thinking now that they didn’t expect the kicking and beatings that they got! Not thinking things through can sometimes lead to broken ribs and missing teeth, if not worse! Just sayin’.
Doug Cochran hahahaha I say do a fly over with a water plane filled with Pigs blood and dose them in it!
CNN won’t even care to report this.
They MUST kill themselves!!!!
Pretty foolish of them. They may as well have painted targets on their backs….
To hell with Muslims