Top sheriffs from across the country are issuing a warning to us all:
If Obama succeeds with his plans for an amnesty a flood of new illegal immigrants will pour into the U.S the likes of which this country has never seen before.
Of course, we know this that Obama will do this and still not secure the border. It is about to get a whole lot worse.
Click The Link Below For More Info:
It’s treason
I’d he attempts to force amnesty down Americans throats the way he did Obamacare that will be the tipping point that causes a true revolution that will culminate in the courts. This dictator MUST be stopped…he’s done enough damage !!!
OK Congress and the Senate, NOW is the time to buck up against this tyrant and say enough is enough. Stop his sinister plans please!
We have to stop him now before he does even more damage to our beautiful country
He is crazy and acts like he can do what he wants but we can fight back and our republicans will give it all they got! We will have to let them know….write call do your civic duty and let them know,!
stOP HIM by satting on your butts do something don’t just talk about do something about it.
Defund his c**p !!
THIS IS TREASON pure and simple
he’s in china right now we the people need to secure the borders right now and stop this usurper from coming back
Impeach and deport him and his family.