The new “third rail” in American journalism now appears to be Hillary Clinton’s health. Discuss it and either your career as a broadcaster will be shortened as Dr. Drew discovered, or your listening audience will be reduced as Michael Savage just learned.
If you missed the story about Dr. Drew and his program being cut by CNN after he discussed Hillary’s possible illnesses, you can get up to speed here.
So what happened to Savage after he committed the same offense as Dr. Drew?
Very true. As can those who do like it and still want to listen. The point is that the station has the right to chose their own programing.
They kicked out Don Imas a Trump supporter and replaced him with two f**e conservatives who bash Trump daily. They booted Micheal Savage a Trump supported an replaced him with Glen Beck another fraud conservative who’s show is all about bashing Trump. Now they are taking away Savages late afternoon show. These people are traitors and in the tank for Hillary. Same with Bill Oreilly and Megyn Kelly. My heart sinks in sadness that the government machine owns the media just like a communist country. I heard that Obamas approval rating is 51% and I ask what is there to approve of? So sad that this once great country is so done. I feel sorry for your kid who you’ve sold their freedoms for a few shekels.
Hmmm . . . you know that a Democrat was president during all of WWII, right? How are you going to know if they’ve changed the history books if you don’t know your history?
Speaking of history, Hitler’s brown shirts silenced political opposition just as Killary is doing. Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it
Money doesn’t talk, it swears. (free explanation if needed)
Just the beginning of the day Hildebeast has in plans. Obama will seem like JFK once she starts to destroy freedom.
a great writer .
More proof Killery and the Democrappy Party run the news media!!
Shouldn’t surprise anyone!
I asked where I can get Hillary’s campaign van as my Mom is in her 90s and needs a hospital bed in the vehicle. I asked Scott, Diane and George on the nightly news but the answer was not on the teleprompter.
If this doesn’t raise all kinds of red flags, you are not paying attention. But you WILL be paying the price, as our freedoms continue to disappear, one by one. But wait, did you just get a text or snapchat? Much more important…. .