The new “third rail” in American journalism now appears to be Hillary Clinton’s health. Discuss it and either your career as a broadcaster will be shortened as Dr. Drew discovered, or your listening audience will be reduced as Michael Savage just learned.
If you missed the story about Dr. Drew and his program being cut by CNN after he discussed Hillary’s possible illnesses, you can get up to speed here.
So what happened to Savage after he committed the same offense as Dr. Drew?
I was listening that day…it did happen. Strange times.
Gotta be careful. Question the Clinton’s and you might end up dead.
Nothing like taking a$#%&!@*on the 1st Amendment for Hillary Clinton, above all laws, even the Constitution.
Well.. more right wing imaginary goblins. And yes, “so blatant” does apply to the overy dishonesty of Truth and Action. Of course, now you will claim that The Daily Beast and the dozens of other media outlets that disagree with you are “mainstream media” manipulating the public. Thou doth protest too much. …
Hil-liar-y’s America
Its not nice to insult dur furer
It’s not “cencorship” for a radio station to pull a show. He’s free to speak his moonbat delusions, he’s just not free to do it in places that don’t care to hear it. You have the right to free speech, not the right to be heard.
That would be “really” sharp. Perhaps he is and you missed it. lol
What Hillary wants, Hillary gets. Hopefully she won’t win this election
You can change the channel if you don’t like it